Sunday, October 26, 2014

Fall 2014- Creative Art Direction- Project 1

Topics: |  Project 1  |  Concept  |  Process  |  Result  |

Project 1- Typographic Self-Portrait
This semester, I have 4 courses. Of them, Creative Art Direction was the first to have a project due. The project itself was to create a purely typographical self-portrait. No illustration, no graphics, no bending letterforms. It was a project meant, in part at least, to get us to think about our process, as well as to get us to think more about how type can be used.

The first step to the process was to go around asking people what they thought of us, in a very few words. Seeing how others saw us, as well as doing some soul-searching to figure out how we saw ourselves as persons(?), was meant to give us an idea of how we would tackle the project.

Of everyone I talked to, there was a whole lot of "introverted," "curious," and "nerdy." These were all things I was already well aware of, but they did help me come up with an idea. Using a webcam, I proceeded to make faces at various angles at my computer for a good hour. Another half hour narrowed the choices for what kind of photo I wanted to create, until I finally found the one that, I think, encompasses a lot of my personality.

Once I had the photo to use for my base, I took it into Illustrator, which at that point in the semester was my go-to program for anything I wasn't doing in Photoshop. Once I had the layout the way I wanted, I used a combination of Myriad Roman and CelticHand fonts to illustrate myself. For my ears and glasses, I used a font called Mysterons, to include the technological aspects of myself, and my creative process in general.

The end result of my project was, I think, quite good. It doesn't necessarily scream "typography," but since I haven't done nearly anything with typography to this point, and considering it gets across my personality and art style, I think it came out well.

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