Thursday, November 13, 2014

Fall 2014- Copywriting- In-Class 3

Topics: |  In-Class 3  |  Process  |  Result  |

In-Class Assignment 3- 
For the last in-class assignment in my Copywriting course of the Fall 2014 semester, we were to write a PSA. Specifically, a 30 second PSA for the St. Vincent De Paul Soup Kitchen.

To begin with, we were given a link to the soup kitchen's website, linked here, to give us material to use for the PSA. Of all the info presented, I wanted to especially focus on the aspect of them being the only program in our area that feeds the hungry without question, at least according to the site. I decided to go with a simple approach that would appeal to emotions and hopefully get people to donate money and time to St. Vincent De Paul's cause.

I think the resulting script for the project came out pretty well, especially considering it was something come up with in the span of a single class. Even better, it would be relatively simple and cheap to produce without looking terrible, which for the purposes of a PSA, I imagine, is always a good thing.
Click to enlarge

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