Saturday, November 29, 2014

Adventures in NaNoWriMo 2014 (Day 29)

Topics: |   Update   |  Current Word Count  |  Scene of the Day   |
To make up for my lack of writing yesterday, my brain helped me finish NaNoWriMo today. I still have a bit of writing left to the short, so I'm hoping that I finish it up tomorrow to get the final word count. If I can't, I still succeeded in writing a novel even while classes with many projects were ongoing, so I feel quite accomplished.

Current Word Count: 50,339

Friday, November 28, 2014

Adventures in NaNoWriMo 2014 (Day 28)

Topics: |   Update   |  Current Word Count  |
Today, I grandly lost my momentum, and spent the better part of a day trying to force my way through it. That didn't really work out so well. Anything I wrote today was dull and pretty uninteresting to write and read. Despite the fact that the next scene is the big action scene, which makes it more frustrating. As it is, I don't know that I'll be able to finish the NaNo word count with today's non-update, unfortunately.

Current Word Count: 45,887

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Adventures in NaNoWriMo 2014 (Day 27)

Topics: |   Update   |  Current Word Count  |  Scene of the Day   |
This was a big update today. We've met Tenshi, an informant mentioned several times in the other shorts, and he started her on the track of catching our killer. In an ideal world, I'd be writing this story as a full-fledged mystery, but I don't currently have enough experience with that kind of story to do anything more than a short story with it. As it is, I think it's coming along well.

Current Word Count: 45,887

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Adventures in NaNoWriMo 2014 (Day 26)

Topics: |   Update   |  Current Word Count  |  Scene of the Day   |
I finished up the scene with Morgana and her friends at the grill today. The short's coming along nicely, I think, and I might even be able to NaNoWriMo with only 4 stories.

Current Word Count: 43,813

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Adventures in NaNoWriMo 2014 (Day 25)

Topics: |   Update   |  Current Word Count  |  Scene of the Day   |
The scene was pretty full of content today. I think it came out well, though it could be one of the clunkier bits to edit when I go through the revision process. Only time will tell, but for a first draft and with the perspective of having just finished writing it, I'm happy with it.

Current Word Count: 42,548

Monday, November 24, 2014

Adventures in NaNoWriMo 2014 (Day 24)

Topics: |   Update   |  Current Word Count  |  Scene of the Day   |
I had a lot of fun writing this scene, in the original story and the re-write both. Not really much more to add today; it's been a pretty uneventful day.

Current Word Count: 40,777

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Adventures in NaNoWriMo 2014 (Day 23)

Topics: |   Update   |  Current Word Count  |  Scene of the Day   |
I went a bit into the story of Morgana's time with the APD today. I find I'm struggling with show vs. tell, and how much exposition to give, with this story more than the other shorts thus far. Tomorrow, I'm getting into the short's main premise.

Current Word Count: 39,220

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Adventures in NaNoWriMo 2014 (Day 22)

Topics: |   Update   |  Current Word Count  |  Scene of the Day   |
I jumped right into the fourth short, Under a Bad Star, today. This one deals a bit more with Morgana's past in Arkham City, and explores some of the supernatural workings of the city.

Current Word Count: 37,540

Friday, November 21, 2014

Short Fiction- Dark Angel pt. 4

Author's note:
Because this story is 42 pages long, for the purposes of not breaking browsers, I'm segmenting the story out.
|  pt. 1  |  pt. 2  |  pt. 3  |  pt. 4  |

I jumped back, just narrowly dodging the dagger that would’ve opened my jugular like a zipper.
As it was, he still managed to nick my neck, and the biting scent of my blood, and its wild Faerie magic, hit the air hard.
His eyes turned to solid red slits, dark enough to nearly be black.
As though putting on a show, he brought the blade up and dragged his tongue across the fresh spot of red.
His eyes widened when the taste slammed into his senses, and I fought the urge to scrub myself with a knife to get the feeling off.
“O negative, and full to the brim with… something,” he mused. “You’re not a woman to take lightly.”
The feeling of revulsion at having my blood drunken and analyzed is something I could never put into words.
Somehow, though, my curiosity got me.
“Seein’ future in blood a vamp trick, now, too?”
“Nothing as impressive as that,” he scoffed. “Did you know that your blood has so much magic in it that it’s like drinking lightning? It’s quite an experience.”
“I’ll take yer word fer it. Sadly, I don’t have all night to shoot the breeze, so let’s get this over with, yeah?” I asked while putting my knife between us.
“Planning a late night with Mr. Maxwell?” he asked with a smirk.
I really wanted to punch that expression off his face.
“Nah, I’m just bored with vampires. Much more interested in the woman behind the curtain. The suspense is just killing me.”
He became a blur as he dragged the machete out of the vampire and threw it at me.
I brought my knife up into the side of his weapon and sent it spinning into the floor.
The whole exchange lasted five seconds, but by the end of it, I had my knife in front of my throat, desperately holding off his own dagger by a twitch.
“Don’t worry, that won’t be what will kill you tonight, Miss P.I.,” he hissed.

Short Fiction- Dark Angel pt. 3

Author's note:
Because this story is 42 pages long, for the purposes of not breaking browsers, I'm segmenting the story out.
|  pt. 1  |  pt. 2  |  pt. 3  |  pt. 4  |

I cut the engine as soon as we came to a full rest, and slipped silently outside.
He followed a confused moment later, his eyes locked on the massive, wooden bridge on the other side of the rocks.
It wasn’t nearly as long as it was wide, connecting the small cliff face that was the end of Arkham City’s border and the cliff that housed Dunwich, over a few meters of raging Miskatonic River.
I could make out a number of shacks on the other side of the support, and beyond that was a den of caustic psychic energy.
While the whole town had an uncomfortable feel to it, even from the other side of the bridge, the toxic energy I was feeling was something else.
I suddenly felt that I was looking even less forward to the encounter than before.
With a huff, I shoved the feeling down and focused on the other reason I’d pulled off.
“They have a spotter. They might already know we’re here, but I’ve probably got better range. Screaming wood would’ve thrown that away,” I whispered.
Nodding, he slid several extra magazines into his pockets before closing his own door.
“We go in quietly, and try to get as little attention as possible until we’re on her. Got it?”
“Not my first infiltration,” he retorted with a smirk. “It doesn’t usually go smoothly. How do we get inside, without being seen from a mile away?”
Pressing against the rocks, I let my senses expand just a bit more.
The mystery watcher’s aura was like calm water, seeming utterly placid.
The idea of someone feeling me coming and still being that calm was a terrifying prospect.
I drew the air in even more, drawing in every nuance of his energy.
“He’ll see us on the bridge. And the bridge is the only way across, unless you’re an aquakinetic?” I added hopefully.
“’fraid not,” he sighed. “You seem to be pretty good with ice. Can you work something?”
Risking a glance around the corner, I managed to physically spot the man.
“If he’s a magician of any talent, he’ll see us comin’ the second I do. Not that I actually could, goin’ back to tha’ whole issue with the horror beneath the water.”
Sighing, I slipped back beneath the rock and let my mind go to work.
Soon, I felt myself swaying as a hum left my throat, but I ignored it and steadfastly kept my eyes closed as I concentrated more.
The world faded around me, leaving vague impressions of my surroundings.
The watcher’s and Collin’s auras both worked through me as my defenses dimmed, and I began sifting, as unobtrusively as possible, through the watcher’s soul.