So while I was planning on not doing any paintings this month while I work on the NaNoWriMo, it turns out that I don't have the option to at the moment if I wanted to.
As it turns out, the auto-update to Maverick screwed my system up. Shocker. I came out of the update with a knowledge of how to turn off auto-updates, that recently cleaning my backup drive to give it room for new backups was a really poorly timed decision, and that the Cintiq 15x I use will likely not work with Maverick. Since its last Mac driver update was in 2012, I don't foresee the problem being fixed. I now find myself pondering the joys of either needing to shell out for a newer Cintiq or trying to find a way to downgrade that doesn't immediately void my Mac's warranty, neither of which is a very pleasant option.